Projects: Past and Present
Good Business Practices for SlowFish Network Members
SlowFish want to identify and describe business practices currently practiced by members of their network that could be easily replicated by others. One of the major challenges small-scale fisheries face is business administration either due to a lack of know-how or shortage of time. As more and more fisheries realise this and focus their efforts on adaption, it is important that others fighting for just and fair fisheries are able to be part of the change as well.

Small-Scale Fisheries Access to Seafood Markets
With CESAM, SFACT, and the Fishmongers' Company, FISHEYE CONSULTING is leading research on the realities faced by small-scale fisheries when supplying local, national, regional and international markets. It will explore elements such as seafood regulation, infrastructure, and ICTs, as well as the different kind of initiatives that exist to support them, such as FIPs, certification, trusted intermediaries, and direct supply
Evolving Roadmap for Global Fishing Watch’s National Policy Advocacy
Global Fishing Watch are playing an instrumental role in reshaping fisheries management and enforcement. Their insights into the world of illegal fishing are helping governments respond rapidly and effectively. As the dark truth about these murky waters comes under scrutiny, countries are looking to Global Fishing Watch to help them draft legislation that will support their enforcement efforts. FISHEYE CONSULTING works with Global Fishing Watch to hone the organisation's advocacy and lobbying efforts in countries around the world.
Social Responsibility Assessment (SRA) in Seafood
The Social Responsibility Assessment (SRA) Tool for the Seafood Sector is a risk- assessment or benchmarking tool for conducting human rights due diligence in seafood supply chains. It is designed to be used to inform the development of a Fishery Improvement Plan (FIP) workplan.
FISHEYE CONSULTING was engaged by Conservation International to apply the SRA tool to the longline tuna fishery and processing hall in New Caledonia as part of the NGO's project to implement a FIP using the Jurisdictional Approach to a fishery.

Bluefin Tuna Fisheries Observer
I work as a fisheries observer for the Mediterranean bluefin tuna fishery. The fishery is regulated by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT) and the Observer Program is coordinated by MRAG. Save for some specific exceptions, the season runs from the 26th May to the 1st July. Working as an observer is hugely eye opening experience not just to the realities of industrial fishing, but moreover to quotidian management of fisheries.

Retailers sourcing from small-scale fisheries
International seafood markets and big retail chains are increasingly important for small-scale fisheries, providing these fisheries with opportunities that can contribute to long-term socioeconomic stability. Through seafood sourcing policies that explicitly commit to supporting small-scale fishers, retailers can make positive contributions to healthier oceans, sustainable fisheries and the wellbeing of coastal communities. In this report FISHEYE CONSULTING and the IIED explored retailers’ procurement of small-scale fisheries’ produce, the challenges faced and the opportunities available.

FAO Technical Report: Oyster Production in the UK and France
On the basis that the report seeks to demonstrate methods for rearing oysters, the FAO engaged FISHEYE CONSULTING to undertake the photography. In addition FISHEYE provided a textual break down of each process photographed.
This report is still being prepared, but will be shared here when published.

FAMENET: Seafood Value Chains Thematic Consultant
FAMENET (Fisheries and Aquaculture Monitoring, Evaluation and Local Support Network) supports stakeholders in the implementation of the and European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF). FISHEYE CONSULTING have ongoing work with FAMENET to implement community-led local development (CLLD) in fisheries to foster a sustainable blue economy. Projects to date have included managing the Fishery Local Action Group (FLAG) network in France, organising a seminar on Generational Renewal in European fisheries, and a seminar on the implications of the EU's Fisheries Control Systems legislation obligating all <12m vessel to install tracking devices onboard.

Fisher Registration Policy Analysis
Rare’s Fish Forever program is a community focused approach that engages a scientifically informed, community-driven participatory process to design managed access and reserve areas to manage complex multi-species fisheries in developing nations. An important step in delivering the objectives of Fish Forever is to develop and implement equitable fisher registration legislation. FISHEYE CONSULTING conducted a Policy Analysis that identified "best practices" on fisher registration policies, as well as developing a model fisher registration policy instrument that Fish Forever countries can use as inputs to their policy initiatives.

Canadian Redfish FIP - Communications between fishers and scientists
Redfish were designated threatened in 2010 but the stock is currently healthy after a decade of management within biological reference points. However, the fishery needs to further reduce its impact on pollock, haddock, and other commercially fished species as well as benthic species caught in the bottom trawl gear. FISHEYE CONSULTING collaborated with fishers to encourage communications with DFO and alert scientists of unusual or rare species being trawled.

Yellowtail Flounder FIP - Improving monitoring and surveillance
In 2021, Tremont Fisheries and Pier Fish Company began a Fishery Improvement Project for Yellowtail Flounder in the nutritious rich waters of the Grand Banks. Conscious of the threats that face the ocean, its fisheries, and those who depend on it, Tremont Fisheries and Pier Fish are using the FIP to develop a risk-based strategy to identify appropriate improvements, to gear, control and data. FISHEYE CONSULTING is coordinating the FIP.

Indian and Pacific Ocean Swordfish FIPs
In collaboration with the Malaysian longline swordfish fleet, FISHEYE is supporting the fleet's FIP objective to reduce their impact on Endangered, Threatened and Protected Species, such as sharks, seabirds and turtles. This work primarily involves advising on various methods available to the fleet that could help achieve the long-term objective.
In collaboration with the Panamanian and Vanuatu longline swordfish fleet, FISHEYE is supporting the fleet's FIP objective to reduce their impact on Endangered, Threatened and Protected Species, such as sharks, seabirds and turtles. This work primarily involves advising on various methods available to the fleet that could help achieve the long-term objective.

Mexico Pacific Scallops FIP - evolving small-scale fisheries co-management frameworks
The project is making the California Bay scallop fishery more sustainable by aligning it with international fishery standards, including the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries. Social improvements to the fishery include safer and stricter conditions for the divers, and includes an ambulance service in case of emergency. The fishery is managed in cooperation with the State, the private sector and the local community.

IIED Report: Triggering market transformation for fair water footprints
In preparation for the launch of the Glasgow Declaration for Fair Water Footprints at COP26, FISHEYE wrote a report for Water Witness on lessons and evidence from the seafood sector that have helped move the sector towards more sustainable modes of production and consumption.

FAO Technical Report: Showcasing applied practices in value chains, post-harvest operations and trade
This FAO Technical Report includes nine casestudies showcasing applied practices and successful initiatives in support of enhancing small-scale fisheries value chains, post-harvest operations and trade, based on the recommendations contained in the SSF Guidelines. Cases presented have been chosen on the basis that they can be emulated elsewhere by small-scale fishery proponents including, but not limited to, national administrations, non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations, private enterprises, development agencies and intergovernmental bodies. An analysis of enabling conditions as well as related challenges and opportunities are discussed in each case.