Services and Expertise
Research, Analysis and Reporting
FISHEYE CONSULTING has experience in researching, analysing and writing on issues relating to small-scale fisheries governance and value chains. Figuring out how small-scale fisheries can contribute to the wellbeing of our world, whilst ensuring they themselves are protected is a constant consideration to be held. Collaborating on subjects like transparency, infrastructure, ICTs, market access are fundamental to our work. Coupled with concise and compelling report writing, we can guarantee a final product that will be of practical use to future work.

Project Coordination
Small-scale fisheries proponents are increasingly asking how can project management be more fairly attributed to those they are trying to help. This in itself is testimony to the growing acknowledgement that collaboration and inclusive decision-making is not just important, but satisfying when designing and executing a project.
Whether you're scoping an idea or are ready to implement a long-term project, FISHEYE CONSULTING will enjoy cooperating with all relevant stakeholders to bring about a successful solution.
Alex is qualified to undertake the following audits:
Azores tuna (2022 and 2023)
European Court of Auditors
Confirmed Junior Fisheries auditor, but no audits undertaken yet
Association of Professional Social Compliance Auditors (APSCA)
Undertaking exams. <50 audits completed in francophone countries, predominantly in agricultural sectors.
P3 for MSC assessments:
Rockall Haddock trawl
Normandy lobster/whelk
Madagascar lobster and octopus
Faroes halibut, golden redfish and blue ling

Collective frames of reference are critical for mobilising the necessary amount of support to agree on and drive home what we mean by 'sustainable development'. You may have all the science in the world, but it's not worth its true potential without effective communication. FISHEYE CONSULTING can - and has - develop a communications strategy to help bring about necessary change in your target audience.
Maps are an accessible tool for analysing and planning activities. They can be used in a collaborative way between various stakeholders to help organise activities and ensure harmonious cooperation. FISHSEYE CONSULTING has experience using QGIS to create maps for better understanding value chain relations. Although difficult to see, the map on the right highlights various seafood market-types available in French maritime regions.

FISHEYE CONSULTING will help you bring your event to life, working with you to identify speakers, logistics, and administration; to ensuring high quality and relevant presentations, as well as technical checks; to hosting the event itself. We guarantee you that you audiences will walk away informed but their intellectual curiosity piqued and thirsty for more!